Friday, January 17, 2020

Choosing the Right Pitch!!!

We had three main pitch ideas for our final task. The first was about a character waking up in a forest, disoriented and wanting to leave but being unable to. The second is called the Chosen One, about how not all "Chosen ones" want to be chosen. Lastly, the third pitch is, "They made me forget, but now I remember. I'll have to try harder this time, 'cause now I'm back baby!". That one is about a villain regaining their memories. The one we decided to phase out was the first pitch. This was because the second pitch already contained some aspect of it, and because it was less build upon. Additionally, it just wasn't as entertaining as the other two. 

The first of the two pitch we narrowed it down to is Chosen One pitch. It can be interpreted as fantasy, which is very appealing to work with. This is because the costumes and script for the magical beings would be fun to create. Moreover, this pitch is also a lot for inspirational than the other two, which makes it easier to work with. However, the pitch isn't all perfect. While inspirational, it is vague and too many ideas can make it hard to choose just one. Slowing down to choose one idea of many takes to much time that we just don't have for this project. Next, while the costumes will be fun to make, getting fantasy clothing might be a little difficult, but not impossible. Actors, on the other hand, seems to be a mounting problem, with the time crunch. Conflicting schedules are something I've seen happen with other groups that forced them to rush on the editing process and I have no wish to let our own group fall victim to. These pros and cons balance out pretty well, with the pro of the idea being very fun slightly out weighing the cons.

Then there's the other pitch: the one about how the guy is, "back baby!" We have a sort of villain story here, where the main characters memories are suppressed by the hero of the story. In the two minutes we would show him sad, like somethings missing, them him reawakening his powers. Eventually, getting stopped buy the heroes. We also have another version where he didn't have his memories suppressed, and he tried to figure out his powers. The camera would be hand held by him in first person. While be doesn't have powers, we wouldn't add any special affects, just using the power of editing instead. In that aspect, it would be easy. However, in other aspects (like plot and keeping people interested), isn't so simple. While if we worked on it some more we could probably come up with something more, right now it isn't too appealing. We would probably incorporate some elements of this if we don't end up using it. Like using editing effecting in new and interesting ways.

In the end we decided on the Chosen One Pitch. Personally, I felt it was more interesting plot wise, and it seemed to be easier to work on with the rest of the group. I feel like we could include aspects of comedy without an unsatisfactory ending. This is simply to much to resist choosing it. Despite us not having many ideas for that pitch in particular, we can always incorporate ideas from previous pitches. Also, the inspiration from the idea will make it easy to come up with film ideas. We can also ask other people for ideas and watch movies for shot ideas! Over all, I'm happy with our pitch choice and I'm looking forward to putting together costumes! Filming will also be interesting, as we previously decided it should be in a forest.

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